Compression ventral lateral stenosis of spinal canal

Case: 1.A.BSV.5.20.25

38 Jears (female)

Current status before the surgery:

Pain complains in the spine, especially in shoulder-blades and lumbar part of the spine. Also for the last six month dull pain complains in cervical area of the spine. Impaired sensitivity of fingers and often headaches.



Compression ventral lateral stenosis of spinal canal C4-C6. Compression stenosis of C6 roots. Ostechondrosis C3-C7. Arthrosis of C4-C6 facet joints. Degeneration of C4-C6 intervertebral discs. Cervical kyphosis. Left central hernia 1,9 mm of C4/C5. Central lateral hernia 5,8mm on the right and 2,3mm on the left of C5/C6.


Clinical examination:

Clinical picture corresponds to MRI images. Compression signs of C6 roots. Inflammation signs of facet joints. Pain during the palpation of cervical area C5 and C6. Paraparesis of right hand. Pains and right turn movement limitations, hypertonus of muscles  (hypertonic muscle spasm) in cervical and interscapular areas.


Performed surgery:

Microinvasive surgical intervention by MIBRAR® method:

Flexible catheterization with spinal canal dilatation of cervical spine and peridural area of C6 roots with regenerative stimulation of intervertebral discs and vertebras with CGF.


Surgery result:

Symptoms disappeared immediately after the surgery and not present currently. Patient is not limited to every day activities, professional or sport life.


MRI images description:

MRI above was done before and four months after the surgery, where the C5/C6 intervertebral hernia is not present.
